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8 Signs Your Marriage Isn't Going to Work Out

Posted On: June 27, 2022

Most people are aware there is a statistic that says 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Today this is not totally accurate based upon the choice of some not to marry and a slight decrease in the divorces due to various reasons. 

This article gives food for thought, when you see signs that your marriage is not working out. Like you can’t remember the last time you were intimate; you want your spouse to change, but they just can’t. These are all items to consider in evaluating your relationship and/or seeking a way to make the marriage work. 

If you truly are facing a dissolution of your marriage or you have a major conflict to resolve, there are better ways than going through the court system. The Collaborative Process, to resolve conflict, and, if necessary, help a couple or family through divorce, is an amazing process that is not only more cost efficient but a more holistic approach, giving your family the confidence, confidentiality and tools to survive what could be a devastating event in your life. 

If you have any question, please feel free to call my office for a free fifteen (15) minute consultation. 

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Brand Partner Agency, VillageVoice(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


4 Behaviors That Signify You're Headed Towards Divorce

Posted On: June 21, 2022

So, have you heard of “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”?  Well, a renowned psychologist, after studying couples over fourteen years, was able to identify behaviors that can predict when a marriage would end with astounding precision. He has dubbed the four behaviors as “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”.

As this article goes into more detail, the four behaviors are Contempt, Criticism, Defensiveness and Stonewalling. It is a very interesting read. My question to you is, if you see these signs, how would you react and what would/could you do to rectify and save the marriage?

Remember the Collaborative process has professionals to help with any rising conflicts.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Rebecca Strong, askmen(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


10 Ways Children Of Divorce Love Very Differently

Posted On: June 13, 2022

We all come from different backgrounds and life circumstances that make us who we are as well as frame and form how we interact...this includes the patterns and ways we approach relationships. This is true of all of us. This article looks at how children of divorce are impacted in their love life from the divorce they have experienced through their parents. Loving someone who is a child of divorce has a few more layers of complication.  As in any relationship, if it's a good one, it's worth working for.

Although this article sets forth 10 different ways children of divorce love differently, remember that not all factors apply to all people. 

This is a very good read, and a good article for people going through a divorce, because it gives insight to what children will be forced to deal with as a result of divorce and how it might impact them in the future. Not only is it a guideline for people who are in a relationship with a child of divorce, but it is also a guideline for parents who are dealing with children going through a divorce. 

Remember, if you are faced with the awful decision of having to go through a dissolution of your marriage, there is a better way for you and your family, especially for your children, to use a more holistic approach that will safeguard their interests above all else. 

Choose Collaborative Divorce where you have a team of professionals who can help you with all aspects: financial, emotional and legal.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Andrea Zimmerman, YourTango(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


A Lesbian Mom Raised Her Son For Two years. An Oklahoma Judge erased That In 15 Minutes.

Posted On: June 07, 2022

This recent decision is very scary and demonstrates one of the reasons I advise clients, notwithstanding, that they may both be on the birth certificate; a second parent adoption is really necessary to protect your rights to the child and your child’s rights to you in any State in the Union.  This poor woman had her rights to her child and even her name on the birth certificate stripped simply because that is what the Judge thought should be done, and rationalized it by stating there was “no proof of a second parent adoption”.

This decision is horrific for the mother who has lost all rights to her child! 

It also sets an extremely bad precedent for the LGBTQ community and same sex married parents who still technically lack the same rights guaranteed to heterosexual married couples.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Sara Luterman, Kate Sosin, 19thnews(dot)org
Royalty-free photo courtesy of UnSplash

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


Happy Pride Month!

Posted On: June 02, 2022
Happy pride month everyone. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈.

I borrowed this picture from a friends post it was just too cute and I couldn’t resist.

On a more serious note gay pride month represents a very long struggle for LGBTQ rights. I’ve been an activist and a supporter from my very early years, throughout college and my professional career. I cannot count the number of marches we had on Washington how many gay pride celebrations I participated in even before my employers knew I was gay, which at that time was a risk. I only hope that we do not see more of a backlash and a rescission of the LGBTQI rights that have been established today. The hate and gay bashing still goes on and there are many that want our rights extinguished So for all of you that are LGBTQI friendly and supportive we thank you 🙏 💗 for the support and we must all be diligent and ever vigilant. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT #Pride #GayPride #GayPrideMonth