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Neuroscientists Reveal What It Takes To Make Love Last

Posted On: March 31, 2021

As most of us know, our bodies can be broken down into simple chemistry.  The same is true for how things react in our brain.  It was interesting to learn that in this study people who had been in long term relationships of an average of 21 years had the same chemical reaction in their brains as people who had recently fallen in love when they were shown a picture of their partner.  What's also interesting is that an activity jump in the areas of the brain associated with maternal love and pair bonding suggest that feelings of attachment are an important facet of a romantic relationship, at least as demonstrated by the chemistry in your brain.

Obviously the key to a long term relationship is not just mere has yet to figure out exactly what keeps the flame of love alive for extended long term relationships, but we all know it's more than just romantic love.  A healthy long lasting relationship also requires elements of attachments and pair bonding and I submit, cooperation, honesty, communication and respect for one another. 

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Grace Browne, Inverse


Divorce and Kids: Navigating Difficult Waters

Posted On: March 23, 2021

One of the hardest things about navigating a divorce is not just your emotional well being and survival, but that of your children.  Too often parents are so overwhelmed with their own emotional turmoil and the disagreements (and the war) going on between them, that they forget about the impact of this devastating time on their children.  Some of the nastiest things that occur in a litigated divorce is when parents use their children as pawns and a vehicle to hurt their spouse.  In actuality all they have done is hurt their children. 

Parents need to communicate honestly with their children about divorce, but they need to keep it general.  They don’t need to involve the children in the nitty gritty of their problems and their relationship.  Often children are not equipped to deal with these complexities, nor should they have to. 

In the collaborative process, family specialist are extremely valuable in helping parents deal with their children and do what is best to help the children navigate through this difficult time. 

Selected excerpt(s), photo and linked article courtesy of Jim Catlin, Chippewa Valley Family


16 Quotes For Women’s History Month To Share With Your Kids

Posted On: March 17, 2021

Happy Women’s “Herstory” Month!  In school we were mainly taught “history”, and rarely did we hear about women leaders, let alone their quotes. 

Here is a wonderful article of sixteen quotes that you can share with your children and teach them about the impact each of these women have had on herstory.  I particularly love the ones from Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Michelle Obama and Ayanna Pressley.  I will also add one of my favorites by Elenore Roosevelt, “A women is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water”.


How Long Island Suffragist Alva Belmont Helped Women Gain Equality

Posted On: March 09, 2021

In honor of International Women’s Day and Month, this article highlights Long Island Suffragette and socialite Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, who formed the National Women’s party with Suffragette leader, Alice Paul.

Their cause was for the right of women by law to vote in national and local elections.  Without their sacrifice and dedication, we might not have the right to vote.  Ms. Vanderbilt Belmont was the party’s president and primary benefactor.  She was also known for saying “Pray to god, she will help you.”

In 1917, the group began a vigil with hundreds of flag waiving protestors, displaying huge signs, shouting their message which marked the first time that protestors picketed in front of the White House.  It was January 1917 when the group began their vigil that lasted six days a week for six months, despite the weather conditions!! 

All the liberties and rights that women have today are a result of the women who came before us.  I am so grateful for all the strong women, many of whom we have never heard about when we were taught the “history” of our country.  It's time we start to talk about our “herstory”!

Selected excerpt(s), photo and linked article courtesy of Annie Wilkinson of the Long Island Press


Why Marriage Goals Are Key to a Happier, More Productive Relationship

Posted On: March 02, 2021

If you know anything about goal setting then you know it's imperative to think about and set goals to have success in whatever you do.  Whether it's starting a new business, developing your career, or working within a relationship.  Having goals not only structures and gives positive direction, it focuses ones attention on what's important.  Even within a marriage or a significant relationship, it's important to talk, communicate and think about the future as well as goals. People most often make assumptions that things will just work out and take care of conquers all.  However, as with anything else, if you are looking for success, setting goals helps guarantee the greater possibility of producing positive results.  Having positive intentions and setting them forth creates a better basis for success. 

Choosing to discuss goals with your partner will not only lead to a better understanding for each of you in the relationship, but enlighten you both as to what each of you truly want.  As a result, you will have better communication and a stronger relationship with the possibility of greater long term success.

This is definitely a good read and something I think 90% of couples do not do or think about.

Experts say having goals is a definite must in having a healthy and strong marriage and/or relationship.

Selected excerpt(s), photo and linked article courtesy of Jeremy Brown, Fatherly