
To The People Who Think Divorced Parents Should've Stayed Together For The Kids


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May 17, 2022

Not getting divorced under the belief that parents should stay together for the sake of their children has been challenged by many.  The idea of a child living in a war torn home can have its own effects, regardless of a couple’s desire to stay together for their benefit.  This article highlights one mother who found divorce and shared custody to be an absolute salvation, not only for herself but actually extremely beneficial for her children.  Having two separate homes and two separate parents being responsible for their children can relieve the totality of the burden of one parent being 100% responsible for their children all the time. 

Working out positive results such as those mentioned requires cooperative parties/parents. 

If you are facing a divorce, the Collaborative Divorce process often helps couples navigate through the toxic parts of the dissolution and provides support and tools to move forward in a more positive way for themselves and for their co-parenting. 

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Stephanie Portell, YourTango(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of UnSplash

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