
The 7 Grounds for Divorce in New York State


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Feb 21, 2022

This article may be simplistic for attorneys, but for the common person who may not necessarily understand or know how the legal system works, this is a good article that explains, for instance that the Family Court is for family matters and can handle Custody and Visitation and other issues with people who are in a family or primary relationship that may involve children.

However, Family Court has NO jurisdiction to grant a divorce. A divorce can only be granted by a Supreme Court Justice in a Supreme Court Action in the State of New York.

That said, there are also specific grounds for which a divorce can be granted. For a very long time there were only six (6) grounds to obtain a divorce in New York.  If you do not establish one of these grounds you could not get divorced.  Fortunately, New York finally caught up with the times and now includes a ground for any couple where their relationship has “irretrievably broken down” and wishes to obtain a divorce.

This is a great article that explains the different grounds and what is required.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Yasmin Young, wyrk(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of UnSplash

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