
These Are The Insidious Marriage Problems You Really Shouldn't Ignore


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Dec 16, 2024

In any marriage ― even the strongest, happiest ones ― problems and frustrations will inevitably arise. And while it’s not worth broaching every single little grievance that grinds your gears (e.g., Your partner forgot to wring out the sponge again? Annoying but you’ll live), there are certain problems that really shouldn’t be ignored. 

Some issues, like abusive behavior or a major breach of trust, are generally regarded as obvious red flags. But other issues that may appear harmless in comparison could actually be cause for concern.

Marriage therapists reveal some of the more subtle but potentially serious relationship red flags that you shouldn’t write off

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Kelsey Borresen, HuffPost Writer, buzzfeed(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

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