
What I Wish I Told My Wife More Often, According To 12 Men


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Apr 03, 2023

This article is from a husbands' and fathers' perspective, and highlights some really great suggestions, ultimately emphasizing the importance of taking the time to communicate our appreciation to and for our spouse/loved one.

I want to add that not only does this improve your relationship and strengthen your marriage, but if you have children, it's a wonderful example to set for them on what's important in a relationship and how to treat your significant other in life.  We tend to forget that children absorb everything.  What they see in their home is what they internalize for themselves and their future relationships.  It’s not what we tell them, its what we show them!

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Matt Christensen, Fatherly(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

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