
How To Fix A Broken Marriage, According To A Therapist


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Mar 21, 2023

As this article states, it is often difficult when you have trouble in your marriage, especially when it's to the point you're actually thinking about divorce.  However, it doesn't have to be hopeless, and it doesn't have to be irreparable, IF you are willing to put in the time and effort into making reparations and rejuvenating your relationship.

As we have said time and again, marriage is hard work.  It's important to have open, honest communication, and to actually listen to each other, as there is a difference between listening and hearing.

This article discusses several key points on how you can repair your broken marriage.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Lianne Avila, YourTango(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

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