
Want To Get A Divorce? Here's What To Do First, According To Lawyers


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Jan 24, 2023

As I have stressed many times in the past, alternative disputed resolution processes, such as Mediation and Collaborative Divorce, are the better paths to take to resolve conflicts outside the court system.  Notwithstanding what these lawyers think, you should first research a divorce suggestion is to first look into alternative disputes professionals like mediators and collaborative divorce attorneys.  I would even go so far as to seek out a collaborative divorce lawyer first, since if you are not aware of how the processes work, you will at least get the perspective of what happens in litigation verses mediation and collaborative divorce.  They can help guide you on what is best for you and your family. 

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Kelsey Borresen, HuffPost(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

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