
This Virginia School Board Just Passed An Inclusive Policy For Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students


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Aug 12, 2021

A Virginia school board whose heated meeting in June gained national attention has voted to expand the rights of its transgender and gender-expansive students.

The Loudoun County School Board voted Wednesday on a policy that allows transgender student athletes to play on teams based on their gender identity; allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender identity; and requires teachers, faculty and staff to refer to students by their preferred names and pronouns.

Additionally, all school mental health professionals in Loudoun County Public Schools are required to undergo "training on topics relating to LGBTQ+ students, including procedures for preventing and responding to bullying, harassment and discrimination based on gender identity/expression," according to the new policy.
      Failure to follow the new policy will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

      Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Alisha Ebrahimji, CNN
      Royalty-free photo courtesy of UnSplash

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