
8 Early Ways To Tell If Your Marriage Will Last


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Dec 13, 2021

This article reflects the grim statistics of the high percentage of divorce and the fact that some people are choosing not to marry. 

Obviously, people who are part of a happy marriage will tend to see that marriage last longer than others.  Although happiness cannot be forced, couples can work to ensure that they meet each other’s expectations and make each other happy. 

I think meeting expectations and understanding one another’s expectations is extremely important, along with open and honest communication.  This article not only explores what some couples do differently that can be a predictor of a happy marriage, but also gives clues on what to look for and keep in mind for maintaining a healthy relationship. 

In looking at your own marriage, how many of these eight factors do you recognize in your own relationship?

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of D. Begg, YourTango (dot) com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of UnSplash

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